Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Vulcan, Go, and A Triangle, Part 9

In this part, I made the pipeline objects. This includes loading the shader modules, configuring the fixed functions, and creating the Vulkan pipelines. This part started with Drawing a triangle / Graphics pipeline basics / Shader modules, jumps into the Fixed functions, and ends with the Conclusion.

Create and compile the shaders

Nothing about this step was related to Go, so I basically followed the instructions from the Vulkan Tutorial. I Started with the Vertex shader and continued until I had completed Compiling the shaders.

The TL;DR version was to put the code for the two shaders into a directory named "shaders". Then, use the glslc command we tested in part 1 to compile them.

$ glslc shader.vert -o vert.spv
$ glslc shader.frag -o frag.spv

This Resulted in having two .spv files created. I also added that file extension to .gitignore, because I didn't want to commit the bytecode on accident.

The basic skeleton

Creating the pipeline was closer to creating the swapchain than it was to creating the pipeline layout: there were many objects that needed to be setup before I could populate the create info object.

I started by adding the pipelines field to the Pipeline type.

type Pipeline struct {
    Pipelines      []vk.Pipeline

The most interesting thing here is that I returned a slice of pipelines instead of a single one. While I will only be implementing a single pipeline, the Vulkan APIs for CreateGraphicsPipelines and CreateComputePipelines are designed to work in plurals, so I copied that into my implementation.

Then I added the skeleton of the pipeline creation.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    // Create the pipelines.
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Function for loading a shader.
        // Create the vertex shader.

        // Create the fragment shader.

        // Create the ShaderStage info objects.

        // Create the info object.

        // Create the result object.

        // Call the Vulkan function.

        // Return the pipelines.
        return nil

    // Create and return the pipeline
    return &Pipeline{
        Swapchain:             swapchain,
        SwapchainImages:       swapchainImages,
        SwapchainImageFormat:  format.Format,
        SwapchainExtent:       extent,
        SwapchainImageViews:   imageViews,
        SwapchainFramebuffers: framebuffers,
        RenderPass:            renderPass,
        PipelineLayout:        pipelineLayout,
        Pipelines:             pipelines,

The function returned nil during this phase because I wanted to compile and run before the function was complete. Mostly to make sure the shaders properly loaded.

Loading a shader

In part 1, I created two helper functions to simplify the loading of shader bytecode: MustReadFile() and NewWordsUint32().

In this part, I used those two functions to create the Vulkan Shader module. The vulkan part of the code is the usual create pattern.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    // Create the pipelines.
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
      // Function for loading a shader.
        loadShaderModule := func (fn string) vk.ShaderModule {
            // load the shader bytes
            shaderWords := NewWordsUint32(MustReadFile(fn))
            // Create the info object.
            shaderInfo := vk.ShaderModuleCreateInfo{
                SType:    vk.StructureTypeShaderModuleCreateInfo,
                CodeSize: shaderWords.Sizeof(),
                PCode:    []uint32(shaderWords),
            // Create the result object.
            var shaderModule vk.ShaderModule
            // Call the Vulkan function.
            MustSucceed(vk.CreateShaderModule(app.device, &shaderInfo, nil, &shaderModule))
            // return the handle
            return shaderModule

WordsUint32 is effectively a Sizeof() function added to a []uint32. I created it to make creating the info object easier and to avoid needing to use unsafe to do the slice conversion.

Creating the shader stage

Creating the vertex and fragment shader was simple, as I already created a function to load them into shader modules.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the vertex shader
        vertShaderModule := loadShaderModule("shaders/vert.spv")
        defer vk.DestroyShaderModule(app.device, vertShaderModule, nil)

        // Create the fragment shader
        fragShaderModule := loadShaderModule("shaders/frag.spv")
        defer vk.DestroyShaderModule(app.device, fragShaderModule, nil)


The shader module is only needed for the CreateGraphicsPipeline call, so I used defer to clean it up when this function ends.

The shader modules needed to be put into shader stage info objects so that I could use them in the pipeline create info.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the ShaderStage info objects.
        shaderStages := []vk.PipelineShaderStageCreateInfo{
                SType:  vk.StructureTypePipelineShaderStageCreateInfo,
                Stage:  vk.ShaderStageVertexBit,
                Module: vertShaderModule,
                PName:  ToCString("main"),
                SType:  vk.StructureTypePipelineShaderStageCreateInfo,
                Stage:  vk.ShaderStageFragmentBit,
                Module: fragShaderModule,
                PName:  ToCString("main"),


These calls all described how the pipeline was going to use a particular shader module. For more information on the fields (and the optional PSpecializationInfo that I didn't specify), see the Vulkan Tutorial.

Fixed functions

Rather than creating a bunch of independent info objects, I declared all of them inline for the RAII. As a result, I found it easier to work backwards from the Conclusion fields and find the fixed function declaration as needed.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                SType:               vk.StructureTypeGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo,
                StageCount:          uint32(len(shaderStages)),
                PStages:             shaderStages,
                PVertexInputState:   &vk.PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo{},
                PInputAssemblyState: &vk.PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo{},
                PViewportState:      &vk.PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo{},
                PRasterizationState: &vk.PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo{},
                PMultisampleState:   &vk.PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo{},
                PColorBlendState:    &vk.PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo{},
                Layout:              pipelineLayout,
                RenderPass:          renderPass,
                Subpass:             0,

Each one of these fixed function pointers can be found in Drawing a triangle / Graphics pipeline basics / Fixed functions.

As there is very little Go-specific code involved in this, I recommend following the Vulkan Tutorial to understand the "why". Links to the relevant sections are listed after the code.

Vertex input

The vertex data was already in the shaders, but I needed to tell the pipeline that we won't be providing anything.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PVertexInputState: &vk.PipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:                           vk.StructureTypePipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo,
                    VertexBindingDescriptionCount:   0,
                    VertexAttributeDescriptionCount: 0,

Details are available in the Vertex input part of the Fixed functions section on the Vulkan Tutorial.

Input assembly

Input assembly is explaining the type of geometry I will be drawing.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PInputAssemblyState: &vk.PipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:                  vk.StructureTypePipelineInputAssemblyStateCreateInfo,
                    Topology:               vk.PrimitiveTopologyTriangleList,
                    PrimitiveRestartEnable: vk.False,

Details are available in the Input assembly part of the Fixed functions.


The viewport and scissor describe how to render the output to the frame buffer. I found the explanatory graphic provided in the Vulkan tutorial very helpful.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PViewportState: &vk.PipelineViewportStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:         vk.StructureTypePipelineViewportStateCreateInfo,
                    ViewportCount: 1,
                    PViewports: []vk.Viewport{
                            Width:    float32(extent.Width),
                            Height:   float32(extent.Height),
                            MaxDepth: 1.0,
                    ScissorCount: 1,
                    PScissors: []vk.Rect2D{
                            Offset: vk.Offset2D{},
                            Extent: extent,

The origin values (x, y) default to zero in go, so I left them out to reduce the size of the structure. As stated in the Viewport and Scissors part of the Fixed functions, I'm using the full size of the swapchain extent.

There are also some helpful comments at the bottom of the Vulkan Tutorial for configuring Viewport and Triangles as Dynamic state. I skipped that for now, as the tutorial mentions it will get to dynamic state in later chapters.


The vertex information describes the image in terms of vectors, but the screen displays pixels. The rasterization stage converts between the two.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PRasterizationState: &vk.PipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:                   vk.StructureTypePipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo,
                    DepthClampEnable:        vk.False,
                    RasterizerDiscardEnable: vk.False,
                    PolygonMode:             vk.PolygonModeFill,
                    LineWidth:               1.0,
                    CullMode:                vk.CullModeFlags(vk.CullModeBackBit),
                    FrontFace:               vk.FrontFaceClockwise,
                    DepthBiasEnable:         vk.False,

Details are available in the Rasterizer part of the Fixed functions.


Multisampling is a solution to antialiasing. These settings disabled it. The tutorial has a much later chapter dedicated to multisampling, when I assume it will return to this topic.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PMultisampleState: &vk.PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:                vk.StructureTypePipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo,
                    SampleShadingEnable:  vk.False,
                    RasterizationSamples: vk.SampleCount1Bit,

Details are available in the Multisampling part of the Fixed functions.

Color blend

The color blend state configures how the pipeline combines the fragment shader results with the data already in the framebuffer.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the info object.
        pipelineInfos := []vk.GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo{
                PColorBlendState: &vk.PipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo{
                    SType:           vk.StructureTypePipelineColorBlendStateCreateInfo,
                    LogicOpEnable:   vk.False,
                    LogicOp:         vk.LogicOpCopy,
                    AttachmentCount: 1,
                    PAttachments: []vk.PipelineColorBlendAttachmentState{
                            ColorWriteMask: vk.ColorComponentFlags(vk.ColorComponentRBit | vk.ColorComponentGBit | vk.ColorComponentBBit | vk.ColorComponentABit),
                            BlendEnable:    vk.False,

Details are available in the Color blending part of the Fixed functions.

Creating the pipeline

After building up the create info, I can finish the create pattern calls.

func NewPipeline(app *TriangleApplication, oldPipeline *Pipeline) *Pipeline {
    pipelines := func() []vk.Pipeline {
        // Create the result object.
        pipelines := make([]vk.Pipeline, len(pipelineInfos))

        // Call the Vulkan function.

        // Return the pipelines.
        return pipelines

The additional fields in this create call are explained in Drawing a triangle / Graphics pipeline basics / Conclusion.


The pipelines need to be deleted as part of the Pipeline cleanup.

func (pipeline *Pipeline) Cleanup(device vk.Device) {
    for _, buffer := range pipeline.SwapchainFramebuffers {
        vk.DestroyFramebuffer(device, buffer, nil)

    for _, pl := range pipeline.Pipelines {
        vk.DestroyPipeline(device, pl, nil)


In this part I completed our fixed function configuration, created our shader modules, and created the pipeline handle. I have a pipeline ready for executing commands, and have finished through to Drawing a triangle / Drawing / Framebuffers.

In the next part, I will create the command buffers and record commands.

pipeline.go (diff) / shader.vert / shader.frag

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